Hopelessly Romantic
Episode 33: There’s Lions and Bears, No Word on Any Tigers – A Duke at the Door

Today Heather gleefully dives into the latest in Susanna Allen’s Shapeshifters of the Beau Monde series, and can’t believe all the pay off she’s rewarded with. There’s more than just romance here, and that’s just how Heather likes it!
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
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Episode 32.5: Behind the Page!

Heather gets deep today with another look at A Deal with the Elf King! She looks into character archetypes like Mary Sues, dives a little into the Hades and Persephone myth, and goes off on a rant about Media Overlords when she talks about what she read this week.
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 32: I Have a Craving for Some Pomegranate Seeds – A Deal with the Elf King

It’s time for a little bit of pure high fantasy today! Heather takes a gander at a romance that promises to deliver more than just some angsty kissing; there’s Elves this time! No dragons though. Maybe in the next one?
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 31.5: Behind the Page!

Okay, NOW she’s ready to talk about it. Heather returns with another begrudging look at Her Honorable Mercenary, but there have been other things on her mind. Join her as she talks about what she read this week, and what exactly kept her away from the books.
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 31: I Don’t Want to Talk About It – Her Honorable Mercenary

Heather’s back, without any explanation as to what the heck happened! But that’s alright, since she’s brought with her the next episode, a dive into historical romance from 13th Century France! What fun! Or is it?
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 30.5: Behind the Page

It’s a gloomy week, but Heather is here all the same to give us all one last look at Girls Before Earls, the wildly named Historical romance, and even plays compare and contrast with one of her favorite films! Special guest appearances by Apollo and Hermes!
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 30: I Didn’t Realize Swashbucklers Could Be So Dapper – Girls Before Earls

It’s time to throw back to Regency England once again, where we meet the buttoned up headmistress of Bellhaven Bay, and her somewhat charming suitor! Even Heather might not be able to resist his charms. Well, maybe not, but Romance Heroes can dream.
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 29 Part 2: Behind the Page!

We can’t leave Camelot yet, so it’s one more look at American Queen this week, exploring everything from spice, to queer representation, and Arthurian influences! I mean, Heather has a degree in English Literature, what did you expect? And we also get a little surprise from what she’s read this week.
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!
Episode 29 Part 2: Are Presidents Allowed to Have Happy Endings? – American Queen

Time for the thrilling conclusion to this raunchy romp through a remix of King Arthur lore, and Heather is practically beside herself. Who knew that she’d be this excited about a book with politics in it?
You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .
If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.
If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com
Thanks for listening!