with Heather Songster
Cindy Dees
Cindy Dees

Episode 37: If National Treasure Had a Holiday Spinoff – His Christmas Guardian

Hopelessly Romantic
Hopelessly Romantic
Episode 37: If National Treasure Had a Holiday Spinoff - His Christmas Guardian

Happy December everyone! Welcome to the first episode of Harlequin Holiday! Heather’s decided to take on some of the Holiday Themed Harlequins, and we begin with a spy thriller that fell into a cheesy Christmas romance movie. Will our heroes save the day? Tune in to find out!

You can follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .

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If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com

Thanks for listening!