with Heather Songster
Move To Higher Ground
Move To Higher Ground

Episode 25.5: Behind the Page

Hopelessly Romantic
Hopelessly Romantic
Episode 25.5: Behind the Page

Time to get our running shoes on for another look at Fit! Heather takes a look at what could have been, and then inflicts us all with Twilight opinions literally no one asked for.

Information for the Move to Higher Ground campaign can be found at https://mthg.org/ .

You can check out our twitter at @ReadWithHeather, and follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .

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If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com

Thanks for listening!