with Heather Songster

Episode 36.5: Behind the Page!

Hopelessly Romantic
Hopelessly Romantic
Episode 36.5: Behind the Page!

Heather tortures herself by looking one last time at One Last Touch! She’s pretty sure she’ll get over it, but she still had to invoke the Books That Must Not Be Named. We’re sure she’ll be fine. But, do you think she met her NaNoWriMo goal? Tune in to find out!

You can follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .

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If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com

Thanks for listening!

Episode 35.5: Behind the Page

Hopelessly Romantic
Hopelessly Romantic
Episode 35.5: Behind the Page

It’s one last confused eyebrow in the general direction of American Prince today! Heather looks into some of the deeper lore of Arthurian cannon, and also explains why she hasn’t been reading very much this week. Oops?

You can follow Heather’s reading journey on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/135804934-heather-songster .

If you like the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! It will help us continue to bring you more episodes.

If you want to say hi or suggest a read, you can email us at contact@hopelesslyromanticpodcast.com

Thanks for listening!